More than 115,000 students joined Enviroweek in 2012 saving 18,331.20 CO2-E. We are joining 150,000 students this year in a week of action creating good habits for a lifetime.
By taking up an Enviroweek challenge, students see the difference they make, that our school makes and how this multiplies - through other young people taking action around Australia and when small positive actions are made every day. We have decided to celebrate looking after our environment by doing a different activity every day. Monday will see all classes doing some gardening in the veggie patch. There is a timetable up at the office and around the school. Parents and carers are encouraged to come along! Tuesday is ‘dress in green’ day. Please bring a gold coin donation. Wednesday we are challenging everyone in the school to travel actively. This means by bike, scooter or similar, or use your feet! Why not meet up with friends along the way and come together! If you must drive, please park a few blocks from the school and walk the rest of the way. Thursday we challenge everyone to bring a rubbish-free lunch. This will limit the amount of waste we send to landfill, as well as keeping our playground litter-free! On Friday the week will end on a delicious note with a bake stall organised by the fabulous girls who raised money with a stall for the Royal Children’s Hospital earlier this year. Don’t forget your money! Remember, all of this not only helps make our planet a better place to live, but also means we are in a competition to win solar panels worth $18,180 for our school! So please support PGPS in our sustainable endeavours next week and in the future. For more information visit the Enviroweek Website. Comments are closed.
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