The school was rocking on Monday this week when instrumental students and staff from Thornbury High School paid a visit to the school. They played for us for nearly an hour and it was great to see students and staff up and dancing and enjoying the show. Thanks to THS for arranging the visit and a special thanks to the band for playing a little longer then epxcted so that our student that had just returned from swimming were able to enjoy some of the performance. We look forward to the band visiting us again soon. It was an emotional assembly last Friday as we bid goodbye to Jeff and Damian both of whom are moving on to new challenges from Term 2. We will miss them both trem
Thanks to both of them for their hard work and commitment to Pender's Grove during Term One. Thanks too to Jeff for his work at Pender's Grove over many years and we wish him well in his new challenge as Assistant Principal at Rosanna Primary School. News regarding new teachers for both 23D and 34J will be posted here as soon as possible so keep checking back for updates! Our Preps joined us for their very first assembly yesterday and everyone was a little amazed that so much learning had occurred in the initial few days of 2014. The assembly began with a reminder of the significance of Australia Day for all Australians, both the indigenous people of Australia and the later arrivals. This was followed by a brief report from each class detailing the energetic learning rippling through the school. Year 1 students have been thinking about how they can be learning role models for the Prep students. Other classes were looking carefully at the school values, defining class expectations, exploring how to be safe online, and establishing initial routines of learning. Jeff made the comment, "Although it has been three days, we all feel like it is week three!" If the first three days have been an example of what is to happen this year then we are in for a wonderful year of learning indeed. The Senior Choir filled the hall with song as the school finished the year with a final assembly. Students farewelled Year 6 students with a human corridor that cheered the Year 6 students as they left the school for their final time. Everyone agreed that the final scorching days were not only refreshed by ice blocks but also by the memories of some extraordinary learning achievements over the year. We look forward to continuing our learning journeys in 2014. Students in 56J wowed the assembly with the learning they have been experiencing around Roald Dahl. Some shared their reviews of his work while others recounted their favourite parts of his stories. The assembly was treated to a powerpoint by Brandon, Clare, Tara and Phoebe with a bit of history and even a quiz at the end of the show to ensure we were paying attention! Have a read and see how much you remember! Students in 34J did not draw a breath since coming back from holidays presenting their own persusive piece entitled, It Is Cruel To Keep Animals in Cages. Just looking as some of their preparatory notes one could not help but be impressed. They offered handy tips along the way by encouraging each other in the language, persuasive tools and opinions that were offered. For those who are keen to gain a few tips on persuasive writing you can download 34J's persuasive text below! Congratulations also to Clare for winning the Waste Free Lunch Award and for the remarkable 12F for winning their 5th Class Waste Free Lunch Trophy - five weeks in a row! today they issued a challenge to other classes to beat their incredible record.
For those who attended the assembly this afternoon they would have had to step around a number of bikes parked in the foyer of the hall. Ride2School day proved so popular that the bike shed was declared 'full' before school and the foyer was used as an overflow bike park! They even sparkled with happiness when a photo was snapped this afternoon! Glendy announced at assembly that "We have been visited by members of Bike Victoria and they have declared that this has been the most successful year yet!" It seems if we continue to take the healthy option of riding to school then we just might have need for an extension to our bike shed! The assembly was amazed at the clever muliplication number patterns that 56J had uncovered but also the clear and colourful ways they chose to share their learning. There were number wheels that showed the changing patterns in a range of number patterns. They certainly took centre stage as they reported the latest interschool sports results along with 56A. 12F will no doubt delight those that join the assembly. Make sure you don't miss out. Students from 12P wowed the assembly on Friday with their Who Am I?'s. We were shown crayon drawings over photos of each student and then invited to guess who they were after a few interesting details were shared. Each student should not only be proud of the creative work they presented but also the thoughtful and clear way it was shared. Next week we are all looking forward to 56J's presentation. We're sure they will contribute to a great year of class presentations at assembly. Today the hall was packed with parents and excited students ready to celebrate another week of learning at Pender's Grove. Thanks for all those who shared their time with us. It was great to see students share their insights into reading strategies they use when reading different types of texts. Anyone who was at the assembly would be impressed at the range if skills students use from when they initially pick up a book, begin to read the text and then after reading. Thanks 34O for the preparation and thoughtfullness that went into your great presentation. At the end of this post you can find an outline of their ideas that are a great resource for reading at school or at home. We are waiting in anticipation for 12P to share their learning next week. |
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