It is always a great treat when Thornbury High School, our local secondary school, arrange for one of their fantastic school bands to come and visit. Yesterday several teachers and about 20 Year 9, 10 and 11 students put on a terrific show for our students in our hall. As well as playing some great music they also took some time to show students the instruments used by the band and let some of our students have a go! We are hoping to have another visit from a Thornbury High band later in the year.
Thanks so much to the parents, carers, students, staff and friends that came along to today's working bee at the school.
Around 30 people arrived at the school from 9am armed with a huge assortment of tools ready to work -and work they did! Guided as usual by Andrew, they planted, edged, swept, dug, raked and carted mulch! Wow - so much mulch! See below for some pictures of the tremendous results in our front yard and front playground. Thanks again to everyone who was able to give so generously of their time today - we absolutely appreciate every minute! What a great turnout of parents, carers, grandparents and friends we had at the school this week for our literacy and numeracy open afternoons.
It was great to see so many of our community together sharing their love of reading and maths. A love of literature and stretching our brains with maths are two of the things that we all really value at Pender's Grove! See below for our gallery of fantastic images from the days and thanks to everyone who was able to come along! We are all really looking forward to Education Week at Pender’s Grove this week. Education Week is held each year in Victoria and celebrates students, teachers and the wider education community through a series of special events.
Our special activities in your child’s classroom at Penders this week are: Wednesday 18th May 2.30 – 3.30 for Literacy (BYO a favourite picture story book to share) Thursday 19th May 2:30-3:30 for Maths (Come along and join in the fun and learning through games) You are also welcome to attend your child’s specialist classes throughout Education week. Parents/carers are also invited to attend an information session on Cybersafety and our eSmart curriculum (encouraging the positive use of technology within our community) on: Thursday the 19th of May at 6pm in the ICT lab. Please see your child’s teacher for specialist class times for your child’s grade or for more information. We have been working in the upper grades lately on building skills to work in teams, resolve conflict and maintain positive relationships. This follows on from peer support training earlier this term.
This week the Grade 6s had a team challenge to build the tallest, strongest and most visually appealing tower made only of pipe cleaners. Please see below for some pictures of their creations. They assessed each other's towers and also the positives, negatives and interesting things about working in their group. It was great fun and the activity got the Grade 6s thinking about their roles in teams and how to work cooperatively and fairly in groups. Our Grade 3/4 students have been producing some fantastic art works in preparation for our school Art Show this year. The Art Show will be a showcase of work done at the school in both visual and performing arts and will be held in early Term 4 from October 17-24th. Keep checking back for more information!
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July 2023
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