At Pender's Grove we don't think we can dance ... we know we can dance! It was Edward Lear in writing The famous story The Owl and The Pussycat who wrote “And hand in hand, on the edge of the sand, They danced by the light of the moon.” That same joy was inscribed on the faces of parents and children as they shared the richness of dance on Tuesday evening. Many had arrived early to feast on sausage sandwiches and Indian cuisine as our parents raised money for furniture around the school. By the time students were dancing it was clear that everyone was in for a good time. Laughter erupted when parents took center stage and showed their abilities as well. Thanks for those who have shared the weeks of practice and for the wonderful instruction of the Footsteps Dance Company.
Hi All, The Prep/1's have been working hard this term on playing and recognising rhythms. Hear them clapping, chanting and counting last week in music class! Also, here are some more of our amazing grade 5/6 looping projects using ACID. Enjoy! Warwick
Students across the school were actively dancing this morning as they bedded down their routines for our Family Disco coming up soon. Make sure Tuesday 25th March is blocked in for a wonderful celebration of our dancing skills. It will be a night of laughter, coordination and a and lots of fun! Hi, I'm Warwick the classroom music teacher at Pender's Grove in 2014. Already this year we have seen lots of individual and collective musical talent on display in our classes and students have enthusiastically embraced a variety of experiments in rhythm and melody. Together with our extensive instrumental program, 2014 is shaping up as a very rich year indeed for music at Pender's Grove.
As an integral part of this, our Grade 56's have begun using Acid and Garageband programs to create digital 'looping' works. This allows students to further explore advanced musical concepts of form, dynamics and tone colour. These will be periodically uploaded to the school website so that these works can be shared with the whole school community. The results so far have been fabulous - have a listen! Yesterday we had a special ‘welcome back to gardening’ at lunchtime. Students from over the year levels worked hard harvesting some of the last tomatoes and beans, weeding, watering and getting rid of summer veggie plants that were dying back. Many thanks to our two Emily's for their help. Anyone with any seeds or seedlings for winter veggie plants please contact Jess in Rm 6 or on 94841076.
We also want to get started on reinvigorating the indigenous garden with the Lord Mayor’s Grant money. Our first step is giving it a good weeding and clean-out. Watch this space for further details about a working bee in a few weeks time, to do just that. Thanks Jess Students in 34W and 34J learned a great deal from each other as they shared their understandings of vertical, horizontal as well as diagonal, oblique or sloped lines today. Students labelled a range of lines they discovered in the playground and then justified their decisions to their peers. The lesson was full of laughter, creativity and lots of learning.
This week, when the newsletter heads home, it will come with a slip inviting parents and carers to think about what words best describe an effective learner. It is an opportunity for families to contribute along with teachers and students their ideas that will help define a whole school description of learners at Pender's Grove. The Engagement School Strategic Planning Group invite you to return it to the school office where there is a specially marked letterbox. If you would like to download your own copy and send it in, you are most welcome.
It’s finally on, the challenge is now open. Students will be issued a challenge Permission Form and reading log shortly. The challenge has a mascot this year called ‘Lachlan the Dog’. To find out what is new in 2014 with the Reading Challenge or to learn a little more about Lachlan click on his picture..
The veggie garden has been quietly but steadily growing over the holidays and we have harvested plenty of zucchini, tomatoes, lettuce and spinach, and even some pumpkins, since coming back to school. Last week we discovered the most incredible zucchini hiding under the leaves. We held a school-wide competition to guess it’s weight. 3/4J came the closest with their guess of 2.5kg. The zucchini weighed in at a massive 3.2kg! Watch this space for news on what 3/4J will do with their prize zucchini!! Jess |
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