The Prep/One Investigations Inquiry for this term focuses on the concept of interdependence, how a community functions effectively and what part each individual plays in it. Students will develop an understanding about ‘What is a Community?’ and ‘Who works in our Community to help us? ‘
Students will explore who they are, where they live, who is important to them and the role they can play to support their community. Today we were extremely lucky to have Lucy from Fitzroy Vet Hospital come and visit us and explain the role a Vet nurse and Veterinary doctor has in looking after our animals. The students had written inquiry questions such as ‘What are the different ways a Vet helps animals?’ Which Lucy answered with expert knowledge!! If you would like to know more about our visitors please go to We have had such a busy term - Education Week, a number of
excursions, the swimming program and 90th Birthday celebrations to name but a few of the many activities that have occurred over the last 10 weeks. In addition of course we had the daily fantastic efforts of our students as part of their everyday classroom learning. Well done everyone for your fantastic efforts this term! We look forward to seeing more switched on learning in Term Three. Have a great holiday! The smell of baking ANZAC biscuits filled the corridors of Pender's Grove on Thursday as classrooms participated in special activities to remember ANZAC Day and the many people that have been and continue to be affected by war and conflict.
ANZAC day badges are available through our school office and proceeds go to support the important work of Legacy. Legacy is a charity providing services to Australian families during or after a family member's defence force service. It was an emotional assembly last Friday as we bid goodbye to Jeff and Damian both of whom are moving on to new challenges from Term 2. We will miss them both trem
Thanks to both of them for their hard work and commitment to Pender's Grove during Term One. Thanks too to Jeff for his work at Pender's Grove over many years and we wish him well in his new challenge as Assistant Principal at Rosanna Primary School. News regarding new teachers for both 23D and 34J will be posted here as soon as possible so keep checking back for updates! ![]() The veggie garden has been quietly but steadily growing over the holidays and we have harvested plenty of zucchini, tomatoes, lettuce and spinach, and even some pumpkins, since coming back to school. Last week we discovered the most incredible zucchini hiding under the leaves. We held a school-wide competition to guess it’s weight. 3/4J came the closest with their guess of 2.5kg. The zucchini weighed in at a massive 3.2kg! Watch this space for news on what 3/4J will do with their prize zucchini!! Jess Students in Years 3,4 and 4 have been participating in a Startup Program that has enabled them and their teachers to strengthen relationships while pouring the firm foundations for a year of rich learning. The school values have been a significant reminder of the people we wish to be. All are invited to venture down the corridor to experience a little of their learning.
![]() Students in Year 3 usually spend the morning looking at the Behind the News program and developing their note taking skills. Today they used them in earnest to record the passing a Nelson Mandela, former President of South Africa. The class was fortunate to have Sue, a guest in the classroom, who was present at the inauguration of Nelson Mandela. She also spoke of her experiences of him and her time in South Africa. Here is a collection of students' learning this morning. Nelson Mandela is famous because he was able to peacefully guide South Africa to freedom moving from an apartheid system of government to a multi-racial community. Nelson Mandela was born 18th July, 1918. He was named Nelson by his teacher. Nelson Mandela was imprisoned for 25 years for fighting against the government. He was released in 1990. In 1994 he was elected President of South Africa and continued until 2004. After his time in politics Mandela continued to work to fight HIV in Africa and against poverty. During his life Mandela experienced great sadness with the death of his son to HIV and his great grand daughter who died in a car crash. Mandela won the noble Peace Prize.Today Nelson Mandela is considered by many as the father of democratic South Africa. References: South Africa The Good News Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 ![]() Today, on the 11th of November students from 34J, 34O and the Multiage class gathered to discuss the meaning of Remembrance Day. They read ‘My Mother’s Eyes’ by Mark Wilson and discussed the significance of the date. Students then collaborated to create this poppy chain to remind us of the importance of remembering the tragedy of war and the significance of peace. You will not miss this remarkable on your next visit to the administration area. ![]() Students in Years 3 and 4 have been heating, cooling, observing, dissecting, researching and even experimenting as they seek to understand how their world changes. There has been great thinking and modelling of our Earth, Sun and Moon as well as looking at heating and cooling involved in cooking. Everyone has enjoyed designing their own experiments and watching seeds germinate under a range of conditions. This term's unit will conclude as students participate in their own design process that highlights what they have learned. ![]() Students in 34J and the Multiage class were entranced by the students in Years 1/2 today. The students in 1/2 performed their own musical accompaniment to The Legend of the Golden Snail by Graeme Base. Wood blocks and triangles as well as shakers and clap sticks joined Wilbur as he journeyed to the ends of the earth. 34O will enjoy their performance on Wednesday. Thanks for filling our day with such musical fun. |
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