Students in 56A had a great maths experience this week. They made plans of a mini golf course including an area of a certain number of cm2 which included five rectangles. The class had to measure the perimeter and area of each rectangle. Students talked about scale and how 1cm=1m as well as looked at the size of 1m2 using masking tape. To represent these plans students constructed their own mini golf lanes with tubes, inclines and obstacles and had lots of fun trying to get a hole-in-one (or two or three!).
![]() One Tuesday, the clouds parted, rains stopped and wind died down to enable to provide just the right moment for Pender's students to venture into the city. Students in Years 3 and 4 were welcomed in a special smoking ceremony during their visit to the Botanical Gardens. They learned a great deal about Aboriginal cultures by exploring the use of a range of artefacts, weaving friendship bands and learning from our guide as we walked through the gardens. Students concluded their visit with a walk along Birrarung Marr and a play in the park. Thanks to all those who made sure this important day happened! ![]() This term the Year 1/2s are exploring how the waste we produce affects our community and what we can do to reduce the impact on the environment. Next Wednesday 7th August, Brendan Moore, the Litter Strategy Coordinator from the Darebin City Council will be visiting the Year 1/2s in the ELN. We will be discussing what happens to our waste once the rubbish and recycling truck picks it up. We are looking forward to meeting Brendan and finding out more about how we can help our community to reduce waste. On Monday 12th August we will be visiting CERES as part of our investigation. CERES is a not for profit educational organisation located on rehabilitated landfill in East Brunswick. We will be involved in three workshops: Paper Making, Merri Creek Walk and Bin Sort & Plastic Fantastic. CERES works on the RETHINK-REDUCE-REUSE-RECYCLE policy. The aim of the Waste-Free Lunch is to reduce the waste that goes into the lunch making process. We encourage students and families to positively contribute towards social and environmental sustainability by providing students with a waste free lunchbox for the excursion. ![]() Here is a reflection made by Jeff after 34J walked the school boundaries this week. Keep in touch with what is happening by visiting the 34 Blog! We walked our school boundaries today, like Martin did in Jackie French's book titled 'Walking the Boundaries'. We knew that Martin had begun his journey eager to finish it, knowing that at the end he would own Old Ted's farm. He was eager to be rich and knew what he wanted! As we walked the school boundaries we discovered many things we didn't know about our school. A giant possum dray (home of a possum), plaques on the front fence, rubbish (that was quickly scooped up and deposited in the rubbish bins). As we walked the questions demanding where we were going disappeared and we simply kicked leaves, looked at old bricks and smelt the leaves of our peppercorn tree. Upon our arrival at our starting point we thought about our brief journey. We reflected on the way we changed. That while the boundary stayed the same we changed, slowed down, and in a moment looked at the our place a little differently. Perhaps Martin will change too as he ventures around the boundaries of Old Ted's farm! Perhaps that what our life's journey is about, changing and being open to change. Students in 56J wowed the assembly with the learning they have been experiencing around Roald Dahl. Some shared their reviews of his work while others recounted their favourite parts of his stories. The assembly was treated to a powerpoint by Brandon, Clare, Tara and Phoebe with a bit of history and even a quiz at the end of the show to ensure we were paying attention! Have a read and see how much you remember! ![]() Stewart Our Class Pet 1/2F has a new student! Our class pet Stewart has been welcomed into our learning space with smiles, a few scratches, lots of cuddles and a lot of responsibility. His favourite spot is behind 0ur interactive whiteboard. He enjoys sleepovers at the student’s houses on the weekend. We clean his cage out, feed him, give him fresh water and play with him every day. ![]() Mindful May 1/2F have spent May meditating to improve our concentration, focus, resilience and our health and our mind and bodies. It is a great way to start our day and end our day. ![]() 34O are keen to share the latest about a new and rather extraordinary member of their class. Hi! We are going to tell you about 3/4Os class pet! When Peter first came to school everyone wanted to see him. Peter has very dark, brown eyes. He has a greyish white tail, his stomach is all white and he has big brown ears. Peter has a very twitchy nose and a tiny little pink tongue. Peter has black tips on his ears. He grooms himself better then cats do! Peter goes to the litter tray when he needs to do his business. Our teacher Jess takes him home every night. Her cat and Peter like to play together! He eats wheat, pallets, dry grass, sunflower seeds and corn kernels, in the mix we give him. Peter also eats hay and celery. We do these things called bunny circles. We all sit in a circle and Peter runs around. We pat him when he comes to us. ![]() Story telling is a whole school focus for learning this term. There are some wonderful examples of students' learning using a range of medium through which to tell their stories. Here is a snap of some of the students in Years 5 and 6 exploring digital story telling in our lab. We look forward to not only hearing but also seeing their stories! 12s Want to be Teens! Last week some of the Year 1/2s were learning all about teen numbers. These are some of the ways we modelled our numbers. Numbers are all around us and are very important! ![]() One of 12F's Favourite Authors! 1/2F read ‘The Twits’ and ‘The Enormous Crocodile’ by Roald Dahl. We love the way he writes stories because they are so funny and entertaining. We have the whole set of his books in our classroom and we are currently listening to the audio book ‘George’s Marvellous Medicine.’ Rosie brought in her favourite joke book from home, ‘Roald Dahl’s Marvellous Joke Book.’ We are currently writing our own personal story for the Pender’s Grove Compendium. |
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